Air-to-water heat pump
Heating und domestic water heating!
The air-to-water heat pump solves all housing technology needs in the passive house and low-energy house, whether as a residential building or commercial building, efficiently and economically.
Heating and domestic water heating in one unit and in a very small space through the use of state-of-the art technology.
The future belongs to environmentally friendly heating systems. Here the air-to-water heat pump, such as the new LI, scores high marks. For it uses the natural heat from the environment. A heating system that is profitable in equal measure for the environment and for building owners.
Environmental energy cannot be used more economically!
» Air-to-water heat pump 4 kW
Air-to-water heat pump for heating of the house und domestic water heating in one system. Suitable for building with max. 4 kW heat output.
» Air-to-water heat pump 8 kW
Air-to-water heat pump for heating of the house und domestic water heating in one system. Suitable for building with max. 8 kW heat output.
» Air-to-water heat pump 11 kW
Air-to-water heat pump for heating of the house und domestic water heating in one system. Suitable for building with max. 11 kW heat output.
» Air-to-water heat pump 15 kW
Air-to-water heat pump for heating of the house und domestic water heating in one system. Suitable for building with max. 15 kW heat output.
» Air-to-water heat pump 22 kW
Air-to-water heat pump for heating of the house und domestic water heating in one system. Suitable for building with max. 22 kW heat output.

Planning Aids

Key Information for planning heat pump & ventilation
» Project Planning
Manual HV
unit/heat pump/
» Project Planning
Manual Air distribution
» Annual performance factor
» Examples of installations