Your Specialist for Heat Pumps and Ventilation Systems
Competent and Innovative!
Effiziento is a specialized manufacturer for house technology systems that provide for healthy living comfort and well-being, especially in perfectly heat-insulated low-energy and passive houses. We work for you continually on energy-saving and environmentally friendly solutions.
Effiziento has made a name for itself as a high-quality supplier for house and system technology. Our wealth of experience is reflected in our innovative products, which are produced to the highest standards in terms of technology and energy efficiency.
The company's complete range of services includes the areas heat pump, ventilation, hot water, space heating and cooling with renewable energy.
Business Areas
- Heat pump
- Ventilation with heat recovery
- Combi buffer tank
- Domestic hot water tank
- Buffer tank
- Ventilation tubes
- Air distribution

Planning Aids

Key Information for planning heat pump & ventilation
» Project Planning
Manual HV
unit/heat pump/
» Project Planning
Manual Air distribution
» Annual performance factor
» Examples of installations