Heat pumps and ventilation
With performance and quality!
Effiziento already began years ago to specialize in energy-efficient heating systems. With our many years of experience and considerable know-how in the area of low-energy and passive houses, we develop high-value materials and techniques for energy-efficient heating systems that guarantee high quality and durability.
An important milestone was the development of the HV unit, an innovative housing technology system that breaks previous barriers with regard to energy efficiency and economic viability. It is used for heating, cooling and ventilation as well as hot water preparation in low-energy and passive houses and replaces traditional oil, gas or electric heating systems.
As exemplified in this product as well, Effiziento always aims to continually improve performance and quality. The aim is to provide you with the best solution for optimum living comfort . And we are only satisfied when you too are satisfied.
We offer a tailor-made solution for each building project and will not leave you on your own! Our support team are always on hand and ready to offer you their advice. They will offer their support in the project planning and professional designing of the system and in obtaining a quotation. For installation, initial start-up and operation, our staff will provide you with full support.
If problems arise with an installation a Germany-wide customer service is ready to help you.

Planning Aids

Key Information for planning heat pump & ventilation
» Project Planning
Manual HV
unit/heat pump/
» Project Planning
Manual Air distribution
» Annual performance factor
» Examples of installations