Ventilation with heat recovery
The purest air for breathing!
Domestic ventilation with our ventilation unit provides for a good climate all around in every part of the house - with a controlled, well-tempered fresh air supply. The system also monitors the air quality: Thanks to the fine pored filtering separators, dust, pollen and atmospheric pollution do not enter the house at all. At the same time CO2 and humidity are conducted to the outside. This preserves the basic structure of the building and deprives house dust mites and moulds of a living space. Even sensitive persons such as allergy sufferers can breathe again thanks to controlled domestic ventilation. That is the only sound you will hear, for the domestic ventilation system works extremely quietly.
Furthermore the ventilation unit ensures that although the exhaust air leaves the house, the heat does not. In this way you save a great deal on energy and heating costs. This also meets with the approval of the state, which financially supports the installation of domestic ventilators in low-energy and passive houses in the framework of the German Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV).
You will find further information in the Project Planning Manual To download this document, simply click on the article links below.
» Ventilation unit with heat recovery 180 m³/hr
Central ventilation unit for ventilation and deventilation of housing units with up to 95% heat recovery from the exhaust air with a cross-counterflow heat exchanger.
» Ventilation unit with heat recovery 300 m³/hr
Central ventilation unit for ventilation and deventilation of housing units with up to 95% heat recovery from the exhaust air with a cross-counterflow heat exchanger.
» Ventilation unit with heat recovery 400 m³/hr
Central ventilation unit for ventilation and deventilation of housing units with up to 95% heat recovery from the exhaust air with a cross-counterflow heat exchanger.

Planning Aids

Key Information for planning heat pump & ventilation
» Project Planning
Manual HV
unit/heat pump/
» Project Planning
Manual Air distribution
» Annual performance factor
» Examples of installations